Cairns & Henges

DH01_Henges05_100x120[henge, stonehenge, monoliths, magic monument, magic site, ritual site, standing stone, standing stones, smagic circle, ancient monument, ruins, stone monument].jpg
DH01_Henges01_150x150[henge, stonehenge, standing stone, standing stones, stone circle, ancient monument, ruins, stone monument].jpg
DH01_Henges02_150x150[henge, stonehenge, standing stone, standing stones, stone spiral, stone circle, ancient monument, ruins, stone monument].jpg
DH01_Henges03_150x140[henge, stonehenge, monoliths, ritual site, standing stone, standing stones, stone circle, ancient monument, ruins, stone monument].jpg
DH01_Henges04_150x120[henge, stonehenge, monoliths, magic monument, magic site, ritual site, standing stone, standing stones, smagic circle, ancient monument, ruins, stone monument].jpg
DE01_CairnRoundedStoneGrey05x05_01[Cairn, standing stones, stone pile, stacked stones, stacked rocks, rock stack].png
DE01_CairnRoundedStoneGrey10x10_02[Cairn, standing stones, stone pile, stacked stones, stacked rocks, rock stack].png
DE01_CairnRoundedStoneWhite05x05_01[Cairn, standing stones, stone pile, stacked stones, stacked rocks, rock stack].png
DE01_CairnRoundedStoneWhite05x05_03[Cairn, standing stones, stone pile, stacked stones, stacked rocks, rock stack].png
DE01_CairnRoundedStoneWhite10x10_01[Cairn, standing stones, stone pile, stacked stones, stacked rocks, rock stack].png
DE01_CairnSquareStoneBlack10x10_02[cairn, rock pile, rock tower, magic cairn, magic rocks, stone cairn, stacked stones, stone marker].png
DE01_CairnSquareStoneGrey10x10_05[cairn, rock pile, rock tower, magic cairn, magic rocks, stone cairn, stacked stones, stone marker].png
DE01_CairnSquareStoneGrey10x10_06[cairn, rock pile, rock tower, magic cairn, magic rocks, stone cairn, stacked stones, stone marker].png
DE01_FlattenedObeliskStoneBlack05x05_02[obelisk, flattened obelisk, flattened pyramid, squared obelisk, stone pillar, stone monument, stone marker].png
DE01_FlattenedObeliskStoneGrey05x05_06[obelisk, flattened obelisk, flattened pyramid, squared obelisk, stone pillar, stone monument, stone marker].png
DE01_FlattenedObeliskStoneGrey10x10_03[obelisk, flattened obelisk, flattened pyramid, squared obelisk, stone pillar, stone monument, stone marker].png
DE01_FlattenedObeliskStoneWhite10x10_04[obelisk, flattened obelisk, flattened pyramid, squared obelisk, stone pillar, stone monument, stone marker].png
DE01_ObeliskStoneGrey10x10_02[obelisk, stone obelisk, monument, pyramid, small pyramid, magic obelisk, magic monument, magic pyramid, rune obelisk, rune pyramid].png
DE01_ObeliskStoneGrey10x10_04[obelisk, stone obelisk, monument, pyramid, small pyramid, magic obelisk, magic monument, magic pyramid, rune obelisk, rune pyramid].png
DE01_ObeliskStoneGrey15x15_04[obelisk, stone obelisk, monument, pyramid, small pyramid, magic obelisk, magic monument, magic pyramid, rune obelisk, rune pyramid].png
DE01_ObeliskStoneWhite10x10_05[obelisk, stone obelisk, monument, broken obelisk, cracked obelisk, fallen obelisk].png
DE01_SlabGold10x10_07[gold megalith, gold henge, golden monument, golden slabs, gold  slab, gold monolith].png
DE01_SlabStoneBlack10x10_02[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, square stone, monolith, megalith, runed slab, runed stone].png
DE01_StandingStoneBlack10x10_08[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, stone marker, monolith, megalith, magic standing stone, runed stone].png
DE01_StandingStoneBlack10x10_09[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, stone marker, monolith, megalith, magic standing stone, runed stone].png
DE01_StandingStoneGrey10x10_11[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, stone marker, monolith, megalith, magic standing stone, runed stone].png
DE01_StandingStoneGrey10x10_20[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, stone marker, monolith, megalith, magic standing stone, runed stone].png
DE01_StandingStoneWhite10x10_20[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, stone marker, monolith, megalith, magic standing stone, runed stone].png
DH01_Henges05_100x120[henge, stonehenge, monoliths, magic monument, magic site, ritual site, standing stone, standing stones, smagic circle, ancient monument, ruins, stone monument].jpg
DH01_Henges01_150x150[henge, stonehenge, standing stone, standing stones, stone circle, ancient monument, ruins, stone monument].jpg
DH01_Henges02_150x150[henge, stonehenge, standing stone, standing stones, stone spiral, stone circle, ancient monument, ruins, stone monument].jpg
DH01_Henges03_150x140[henge, stonehenge, monoliths, ritual site, standing stone, standing stones, stone circle, ancient monument, ruins, stone monument].jpg
DH01_Henges04_150x120[henge, stonehenge, monoliths, magic monument, magic site, ritual site, standing stone, standing stones, smagic circle, ancient monument, ruins, stone monument].jpg
DE01_CairnRoundedStoneGrey05x05_01[Cairn, standing stones, stone pile, stacked stones, stacked rocks, rock stack].png
DE01_CairnRoundedStoneGrey10x10_02[Cairn, standing stones, stone pile, stacked stones, stacked rocks, rock stack].png
DE01_CairnRoundedStoneWhite05x05_01[Cairn, standing stones, stone pile, stacked stones, stacked rocks, rock stack].png
DE01_CairnRoundedStoneWhite05x05_03[Cairn, standing stones, stone pile, stacked stones, stacked rocks, rock stack].png
DE01_CairnRoundedStoneWhite10x10_01[Cairn, standing stones, stone pile, stacked stones, stacked rocks, rock stack].png
DE01_CairnSquareStoneBlack10x10_02[cairn, rock pile, rock tower, magic cairn, magic rocks, stone cairn, stacked stones, stone marker].png
DE01_CairnSquareStoneGrey10x10_05[cairn, rock pile, rock tower, magic cairn, magic rocks, stone cairn, stacked stones, stone marker].png
DE01_CairnSquareStoneGrey10x10_06[cairn, rock pile, rock tower, magic cairn, magic rocks, stone cairn, stacked stones, stone marker].png
DE01_FlattenedObeliskStoneBlack05x05_02[obelisk, flattened obelisk, flattened pyramid, squared obelisk, stone pillar, stone monument, stone marker].png
DE01_FlattenedObeliskStoneGrey05x05_06[obelisk, flattened obelisk, flattened pyramid, squared obelisk, stone pillar, stone monument, stone marker].png
DE01_FlattenedObeliskStoneGrey10x10_03[obelisk, flattened obelisk, flattened pyramid, squared obelisk, stone pillar, stone monument, stone marker].png
DE01_FlattenedObeliskStoneWhite10x10_04[obelisk, flattened obelisk, flattened pyramid, squared obelisk, stone pillar, stone monument, stone marker].png
DE01_ObeliskStoneGrey10x10_02[obelisk, stone obelisk, monument, pyramid, small pyramid, magic obelisk, magic monument, magic pyramid, rune obelisk, rune pyramid].png
DE01_ObeliskStoneGrey10x10_04[obelisk, stone obelisk, monument, pyramid, small pyramid, magic obelisk, magic monument, magic pyramid, rune obelisk, rune pyramid].png
DE01_ObeliskStoneGrey15x15_04[obelisk, stone obelisk, monument, pyramid, small pyramid, magic obelisk, magic monument, magic pyramid, rune obelisk, rune pyramid].png
DE01_ObeliskStoneWhite10x10_05[obelisk, stone obelisk, monument, broken obelisk, cracked obelisk, fallen obelisk].png
DE01_SlabGold10x10_07[gold megalith, gold henge, golden monument, golden slabs, gold  slab, gold monolith].png
DE01_SlabStoneBlack10x10_02[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, square stone, monolith, megalith, runed slab, runed stone].png
DE01_StandingStoneBlack10x10_08[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, stone marker, monolith, megalith, magic standing stone, runed stone].png
DE01_StandingStoneBlack10x10_09[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, stone marker, monolith, megalith, magic standing stone, runed stone].png
DE01_StandingStoneGrey10x10_11[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, stone marker, monolith, megalith, magic standing stone, runed stone].png
DE01_StandingStoneGrey10x10_20[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, stone marker, monolith, megalith, magic standing stone, runed stone].png
DE01_StandingStoneWhite10x10_20[stone monument, stone slab, standing stone, magic stone, stone marker, monolith, megalith, magic standing stone, runed stone].png

Cairns & Henges


Stone Henges, Cains, Standing Stones and Magic Circles in the wilderness are a classic way to evoke an ancient, fallen world, or mysterious arcane rituals. Why are these places here? Who put them there? When? For what fel purpose?

Suitable for both modern, horror and fantasy use, and in fact, a lovely bridge between genres when you need to bend some heads.

This set is Download Enabled for private use, authorized for use on Twitch streams, and fully compatible with most VTTs and all of my other sets, both fantasy and modern. I'd very much suggest pairing this pack with my Highland Cliffs set for an air of wilderness mystery, and use my Entrances and Portals pack once your players figure out whatever puzzle your ancients laid for them.

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