Dungeon-o-Matic IV - Underwater

DW01_UnderwaterWater01[underwater dungeon, ocean dungeon, underwater maze, water dungeon, premade, pre-made, water elemental lair, fantasy underwater, underwater fantasy].jpg
DW01_UnderwaterWater03[underwater dungeon, ocean dungeon, underwater maze, water dungeon, premade, pre-made, water elemental lair, fantasy underwater, underwater fantasy].jpg
DW01_UnderwaterWater02[underwater dungeon, ocean dungeon, underwater maze, water dungeon, premade, pre-made, water elemental lair, fantasy underwater, underwater fantasy].jpg
DW01_RampFlooded_20x20[dungeon, flooded, flood, water, map tile, tile, simple, stone, hallway, hall, passage, ramp, slope, slide, changeable, water dungeon, underwater dungeon].jpg
DW01_Room_30x30[dungeon, map tile, tile, simple, stone, room, empty room, basic room, basic, water dungeon, underwater dungeon].jpg
DW01_CanalRoundabout_40x35[dungeon, map tile, tile, seamless, water channel, water stream, canal, cannal, river, artificial river, blue lava, sulfur lava].jpg
DW01_Coral01_10x10[coral, underwater, brain coral, sea floor, coral reef, reef].png
DW01_Coral02_15x15[coral, underwater, sea floor, staghorn coral, branch coral, bright coral, coral reef, reef].png
DW01_Coral03_10x10[coral, pipe coral, sea pipes, underwater, sea floor, coral reef, reef].png
DW01_SwirlingWaterPillar[dungeon, water pillar, elemental pillar, swirl pillar, flow pillar].png
DW01_UnderwaterWater01[underwater dungeon, ocean dungeon, underwater maze, water dungeon, premade, pre-made, water elemental lair, fantasy underwater, underwater fantasy].jpg
DW01_UnderwaterWater03[underwater dungeon, ocean dungeon, underwater maze, water dungeon, premade, pre-made, water elemental lair, fantasy underwater, underwater fantasy].jpg
DW01_UnderwaterWater02[underwater dungeon, ocean dungeon, underwater maze, water dungeon, premade, pre-made, water elemental lair, fantasy underwater, underwater fantasy].jpg
DW01_RampFlooded_20x20[dungeon, flooded, flood, water, map tile, tile, simple, stone, hallway, hall, passage, ramp, slope, slide, changeable, water dungeon, underwater dungeon].jpg
DW01_Room_30x30[dungeon, map tile, tile, simple, stone, room, empty room, basic room, basic, water dungeon, underwater dungeon].jpg
DW01_CanalRoundabout_40x35[dungeon, map tile, tile, seamless, water channel, water stream, canal, cannal, river, artificial river, blue lava, sulfur lava].jpg
DW01_Coral01_10x10[coral, underwater, brain coral, sea floor, coral reef, reef].png
DW01_Coral02_15x15[coral, underwater, sea floor, staghorn coral, branch coral, bright coral, coral reef, reef].png
DW01_Coral03_10x10[coral, pipe coral, sea pipes, underwater, sea floor, coral reef, reef].png
DW01_SwirlingWaterPillar[dungeon, water pillar, elemental pillar, swirl pillar, flow pillar].png

Dungeon-o-Matic IV - Underwater


Expand your dungeon-o-matic tileset deep beneath the waves with over 175 frigid new tiles and sprites, and 3 custom dungeon maps! Weave water features into above ground dungeons with pools, canals, manmade rivers and waterfalls. Add coral, kelp, and even vents or cracks with bubbles and air pockets to keep your party holding their breath.

This set is authorized for private use and Twitch streaming, fully compatible with all of my other sets and most VTTs, including Astral and Roll20.

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