Village Builder VII - Mansions
Village Builder VII - Mansions
Sometimes you need more than a quaint village or upper middle class house. Sometimes you need a sprawling, intimidating mansion. For the next step in human settlement evolution, add some big, fancy mansions, and furnish them with glittery silver and gold, tons of tassels, ornate rugs and plush overstuffed everything. Perfect for the advanced DM who wants total control.
This set over 495 unique haute couture interior furnishings and a new set of exterior elements, including marble floors and sweeping grand stairs, copper baths, plush headboards, fluffy cushions, grand pianos, and everything down to gold flatware. Also includes everything you need to dress basic the homes of the comfortably wealthy, from a minor lord to a madam who's doing very well for herself. For users of dynamic lighting, all the lights are separated; so you can make a candelabra or scone emit light on their own! Woo!
Also includes one pre-made Quickstart mansion with two floors.
This set is authorized for private use and Twitch streaming, fully compatible with all of my other sets and most VTTs, including Astral and Roll20.