Village Builder VI - Fancy Houses

FV03_aPremadeVillageHouse01_85x50[cottage, manor, house, small villa, mansion].png
FV03_aPremadeVillageHouse02_85x50[cottage, manor, house, small villa, mansion, second floor, 2nd floor].png
FV03_arbor01_15x10[arbor, vines, shade].png
FV03_Basket01_05x05[basket, container].png
FV03_Basket02_05x05[basket, container].png
FV03_BayWindow11_15x10[window, small window, bay window].png
FV03_BayWindow12_15x10[window, small window, bay window].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat01_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat02_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat03_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat04_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat05_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat06_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat07_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BedAzurepattern01_10x10[bed, bunk, mattress, cot, pallet, double bed, queen bed, king bed].png
FV03_BedBlueflowers01_10x10[bed, bunk, mattress, cot, pallet, double bed, queen bed, king bed].png
FV03_BedCrimson01_10x10[bed, bunk, mattress, cot, pallet, double bed, queen bed, king bed].png
FV03_BedEmerald01_10x10[bed, bunk, mattress, cot, pallet, double bed, queen bed, king bed].png
FV03_BedWhiteflowers01_10x10[bed, bunk, mattress, cot, pallet, double bed, queen bed, king bed].png
FV03_benchA01_15x05[bench, sofa, seat, chair, pew].png
FV03_benchB01_15x05[bench, sofa, seat, chair, pew].png
FV03_book02_05x05[book, tome, journal, notebook, spellbook].png
FV03_Books01_05x05[books, journal, tome, ledger, spellbook].png
FV03_Bookshelf01_05x05[bookshelf, books, tomes, library].png
FV03_candelabra04_05x05[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIron01_10x10[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIron01_15x15[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIron02_10x10[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIron03_10x10[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIron04_10x10[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIronLit01_20x20[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIronLit01_25x25[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIronLit02_20x20[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIronLit04_20x20[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_Cannister01_05x05[canister, cannister, jars. kitchen jars, flour jar].png
FV03_Chair06_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair07_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair08_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair09_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair09_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair10_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair13_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, furry chair, king's chair, padded chair barbarian chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair14_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, furry chair, king's chair, padded chair barbarian chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair15_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair18_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair20_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_ChamberPot01_05x05[chamber pot, shitter, poop pot, pisspot].png
FV03_ChamberPot02_05x05[chamber pot, shitter, poop pot, pisspot].png
FV03_CobbledAlley03_20x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlley03_25x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyCnr01_20x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyCnr02_15x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyCnr02_20x20[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyCnr02_25x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyEnd02_15x25[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyZ02_20x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyZ02_25x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledPlaza01_55x55[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CurtainSmall07_05x05[curtain, drape, drapery, shade, valance].png
FV03_deerantler01_05x05[deer antlers, antler, antler rack, display].png
FV03_DividedShelf01_05x10[divided shelf, display case, display shelf, bookshelf, sword rack].png
FV03_DoublePillar01_05x05[wooden pillar, pillar, round pillar, wall pillar, wall decoration].png
FV03_FancyRug01_15x10[rug, fancy rug, oriental rug, woven rug].png
FV03_FancyRug02_15x10[rug, fancy rug, oriental rug, woven rug].png
FV03_FancyRug04_20x10[rug, fancy rug, oriental rug, woven rug].jpg
FV03_FancyRug032_15x10[rug, fancy rug, oriental rug, woven rug].png
FV03_Fireplace_10x05[fireplace, mantle, hob, settle, hearth].png
FV03_fountain01_05x05[fountain, spring, fount, font].png
FV03_Fruitbowl_05x0[fruit bowl, fruit, centerpiece]5.png
FV03_FurnitureTableRoundHalf03_05x05[farm table, wood table, rustic table, small table, round table].png
FV03_FurnitureTableRoundHalf03_05x10[farm table, wood table, rustic table].png
FV03_FurnSettee01_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee02_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee03_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee04_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee05_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee06_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee07_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_gobletglass01_05x05[goblet, glass, grail, chalice].png
FV03_HangingCandelabraOn10x10_01[dungeon, necromancy, candelabra, candleabra, candlabra, chandelier, hanging light].png
FV03_HangingCandelabraOn10x10_02[dungeon, necromancy, candelabra, candleabra, candlabra, chandelier, hanging light].png
FV03_hurricanelamplit01_05x05[lamp, hurricane lamp].png
FV03_KitchenBowl01_05x05[kitchen tools, kitchen bowl, bowl, pitcher].png
FV03_KitchenCart01_05x05[kitchen tools, kitchen cart].png
FV03_KitchenPitcher01_05x05[kitchen tools, kitchen bowl, bowl, pitcher].png
FV03_ladle01_05x05[ladle, ladel, soup spoon, pourer].png
FV03_LoungeChair01_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chair, padded chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_LoungeChair02_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chair, padded chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_LoungeChair03_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chair, padded chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_LoungeChair04_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chair, padded chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_pillar2[wooden pillar, pillar, square pillar].png
FV03_pillar3[wooden pillar, pillar, round pillar].png
FV03_pillar4[wooden pillar, pillar, square pillar].png
FV03_Pots01_05x05[pot, pan, cookware].png
FV03_ramshorns02_05x05[ram horns, horn display, horn rack, display].png
FV03_RockingChair02_05x05[chair, rocking chair, wood rocking chair, porch rocker].png
FV03_RockingChair03_05x05[chair, rocking chair, wood rocking chair, porch rocker].png
FV03_rollingpin01_05x05[rolling pin, baking pin].png
FV03_Roots01_20x20[nature, outside, external, environment, tile, map, forest, field, plain, plains, tree, roots, trunk, dead tree, oak, oak tree].png
FV03_RopeRug01_15x10[rug, fancy rug, woven rug, rope rug, coiled rug].png
FV03_StairRailingCurve03_10x10[stairs, railing, balustrade, banister].png
FV03_StairRailingCurve04_10x10[stairs, railing, balustrade, banister].png
FV03_StairRailingCurve05_10x10[stairs, railing, balustrade, banister].png
FV03_StairRailingCurve06_10x10[stairs, railing, balustrade, banister].png
FV03_StairRailingCurve07_10x10[stairs, railing, balustrade, banister].png
FV03_Tankard01_05x05[beer, beer stein, beer mug, beer tankard, drink, tankard].png
FV03_Teacup_05x05[cup and saucer, teacup, tea cup].png
FV03_Teacup01_05x05[cup and saucer, teacup, tea cup].png
FV03_Teapot_05x05[pot, teapot, tea pot].png
FV03_Teapot1_05x05[pot, teapot, tea pot].png
FV03_VillageHouse01_25x40[home, dwelling, cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x15[cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x15[home, dwelling, cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x20[cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x20[home, dwelling, cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x25[cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x25[home, dwelling, cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x30[cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x30[home, dwelling, cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x60[cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_35x50[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse02_40x30[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_40x60[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_55x25[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse02_55x45[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse02_60x20[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse02_60x20[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_60x60[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_70x30[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_75x40[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof02Ba_40x30[cottage, manor, house, wood shingles, manor, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof02Ba_40x35[cottage, manor, house, wood shingles, manor, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof02Bc_40x35[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof02Bd_40x35[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_20x20[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_25x25[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_25x30[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_25x35[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_30x25[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_30x30[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_40x25[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_40x30[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_40x35[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_40x40[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_45x30[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_45x35[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_45x40[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_50x35[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_50x40[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_50x45[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_violin02[violin, viola, instrument, string].png
FV03_zitar_05x05[sitar, zitar, lute].png
FV03_aPremadeVillageHouse01_85x50[cottage, manor, house, small villa, mansion].png
FV03_aPremadeVillageHouse02_85x50[cottage, manor, house, small villa, mansion, second floor, 2nd floor].png
FV03_arbor01_15x10[arbor, vines, shade].png
FV03_Basket01_05x05[basket, container].png
FV03_Basket02_05x05[basket, container].png
FV03_BayWindow11_15x10[window, small window, bay window].png
FV03_BayWindow12_15x10[window, small window, bay window].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat01_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat02_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat03_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat04_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat05_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat06_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BayWindowSeat07_15x10[window seat, bay window, cushions].png
FV03_BedAzurepattern01_10x10[bed, bunk, mattress, cot, pallet, double bed, queen bed, king bed].png
FV03_BedBlueflowers01_10x10[bed, bunk, mattress, cot, pallet, double bed, queen bed, king bed].png
FV03_BedCrimson01_10x10[bed, bunk, mattress, cot, pallet, double bed, queen bed, king bed].png
FV03_BedEmerald01_10x10[bed, bunk, mattress, cot, pallet, double bed, queen bed, king bed].png
FV03_BedWhiteflowers01_10x10[bed, bunk, mattress, cot, pallet, double bed, queen bed, king bed].png
FV03_benchA01_15x05[bench, sofa, seat, chair, pew].png
FV03_benchB01_15x05[bench, sofa, seat, chair, pew].png
FV03_book02_05x05[book, tome, journal, notebook, spellbook].png
FV03_Books01_05x05[books, journal, tome, ledger, spellbook].png
FV03_Bookshelf01_05x05[bookshelf, books, tomes, library].png
FV03_candelabra04_05x05[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIron01_10x10[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIron01_15x15[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIron02_10x10[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIron03_10x10[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIron04_10x10[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIronLit01_20x20[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIronLit01_25x25[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIronLit02_20x20[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_CandelabraIronLit04_20x20[chandelier, candelabrum, candleholder, candle holder, light fixture].png
FV03_Cannister01_05x05[canister, cannister, jars. kitchen jars, flour jar].png
FV03_Chair06_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair07_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair08_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair09_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair09_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair10_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair13_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, furry chair, king's chair, padded chair barbarian chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair14_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, furry chair, king's chair, padded chair barbarian chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair15_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair18_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_Chair20_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chari, fancy chair].png
FV03_ChamberPot01_05x05[chamber pot, shitter, poop pot, pisspot].png
FV03_ChamberPot02_05x05[chamber pot, shitter, poop pot, pisspot].png
FV03_CobbledAlley03_20x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlley03_25x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyCnr01_20x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyCnr02_15x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyCnr02_20x20[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyCnr02_25x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyEnd02_15x25[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyZ02_20x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledAlleyZ02_25x15[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CobbledPlaza01_55x55[street, alley, cobbles, cobblestone, cobbled street, road, cobbled road].png
FV03_CurtainSmall07_05x05[curtain, drape, drapery, shade, valance].png
FV03_deerantler01_05x05[deer antlers, antler, antler rack, display].png
FV03_DividedShelf01_05x10[divided shelf, display case, display shelf, bookshelf, sword rack].png
FV03_DoublePillar01_05x05[wooden pillar, pillar, round pillar, wall pillar, wall decoration].png
FV03_FancyRug01_15x10[rug, fancy rug, oriental rug, woven rug].png
FV03_FancyRug02_15x10[rug, fancy rug, oriental rug, woven rug].png
FV03_FancyRug04_20x10[rug, fancy rug, oriental rug, woven rug].jpg
FV03_FancyRug032_15x10[rug, fancy rug, oriental rug, woven rug].png
FV03_Fireplace_10x05[fireplace, mantle, hob, settle, hearth].png
FV03_fountain01_05x05[fountain, spring, fount, font].png
FV03_Fruitbowl_05x0[fruit bowl, fruit, centerpiece]5.png
FV03_FurnitureTableRoundHalf03_05x05[farm table, wood table, rustic table, small table, round table].png
FV03_FurnitureTableRoundHalf03_05x10[farm table, wood table, rustic table].png
FV03_FurnSettee01_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee02_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee03_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee04_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee05_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee06_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_FurnSettee07_10x05[furniture, prop, fantasy furniture, setee, seat, devon, couch, rest].png
FV03_gobletglass01_05x05[goblet, glass, grail, chalice].png
FV03_HangingCandelabraOn10x10_01[dungeon, necromancy, candelabra, candleabra, candlabra, chandelier, hanging light].png
FV03_HangingCandelabraOn10x10_02[dungeon, necromancy, candelabra, candleabra, candlabra, chandelier, hanging light].png
FV03_hurricanelamplit01_05x05[lamp, hurricane lamp].png
FV03_KitchenBowl01_05x05[kitchen tools, kitchen bowl, bowl, pitcher].png
FV03_KitchenCart01_05x05[kitchen tools, kitchen cart].png
FV03_KitchenPitcher01_05x05[kitchen tools, kitchen bowl, bowl, pitcher].png
FV03_ladle01_05x05[ladle, ladel, soup spoon, pourer].png
FV03_LoungeChair01_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chair, padded chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_LoungeChair02_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chair, padded chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_LoungeChair03_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chair, padded chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_LoungeChair04_05x05[fantasy prop, town prop, house prop, chair, kitchen chair, wooden chair, cushioned chair, padded chair, fancy chair].png
FV03_pillar2[wooden pillar, pillar, square pillar].png
FV03_pillar3[wooden pillar, pillar, round pillar].png
FV03_pillar4[wooden pillar, pillar, square pillar].png
FV03_Pots01_05x05[pot, pan, cookware].png
FV03_ramshorns02_05x05[ram horns, horn display, horn rack, display].png
FV03_RockingChair02_05x05[chair, rocking chair, wood rocking chair, porch rocker].png
FV03_RockingChair03_05x05[chair, rocking chair, wood rocking chair, porch rocker].png
FV03_rollingpin01_05x05[rolling pin, baking pin].png
FV03_Roots01_20x20[nature, outside, external, environment, tile, map, forest, field, plain, plains, tree, roots, trunk, dead tree, oak, oak tree].png
FV03_RopeRug01_15x10[rug, fancy rug, woven rug, rope rug, coiled rug].png
FV03_StairRailingCurve03_10x10[stairs, railing, balustrade, banister].png
FV03_StairRailingCurve04_10x10[stairs, railing, balustrade, banister].png
FV03_StairRailingCurve05_10x10[stairs, railing, balustrade, banister].png
FV03_StairRailingCurve06_10x10[stairs, railing, balustrade, banister].png
FV03_StairRailingCurve07_10x10[stairs, railing, balustrade, banister].png
FV03_Tankard01_05x05[beer, beer stein, beer mug, beer tankard, drink, tankard].png
FV03_Teacup_05x05[cup and saucer, teacup, tea cup].png
FV03_Teacup01_05x05[cup and saucer, teacup, tea cup].png
FV03_Teapot_05x05[pot, teapot, tea pot].png
FV03_Teapot1_05x05[pot, teapot, tea pot].png
FV03_VillageHouse01_25x40[home, dwelling, cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x15[cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x15[home, dwelling, cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x20[cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x20[home, dwelling, cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x25[cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x25[home, dwelling, cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x30[cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x30[home, dwelling, cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse01_30x60[cottage, house, wood floor, wood floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_35x50[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse02_40x30[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_40x60[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_55x25[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse02_55x45[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse02_60x20[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].jpg
FV03_VillageHouse02_60x20[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_60x60[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_70x30[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageHouse02_75x40[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof02Ba_40x30[cottage, manor, house, wood shingles, manor, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof02Ba_40x35[cottage, manor, house, wood shingles, manor, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof02Bc_40x35[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof02Bd_40x35[cottage, manor, house, stone floor, stone floored room, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_20x20[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_25x25[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_25x30[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_25x35[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_30x25[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_30x30[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_40x25[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_40x30[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_40x35[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_40x40[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_45x30[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_45x35[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_45x40[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_50x35[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_50x40[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_VillageRoof03_50x45[cottage, manor, house, slate roof, shingled roof, house, cabin, shop].png
FV03_violin02[violin, viola, instrument, string].png
FV03_zitar_05x05[sitar, zitar, lute].png

Village Builder VI - Fancy Houses


Sometimes you need more than a quaint village. Sometimes you need a posh dwelling for some "second story work"...or burglary, or arson! For the next step in human settlement evolution, add some big, fancy houses and streets well cobbled for carriages to your town. Perfect for the advanced DM who wants total control.

This set over 600 unique middle and upper-class interior and exterior elements, from fountains, bay windows, pergolas, turrets, chandeliers and candelabrum, and landscaping to more bedding and seating options than you could shake a parasol at. There are 2 terrain tiles as a base, more than 50 unique building exteriors in two styles- and all sorts of goodies and decorations to dress them up or down. Also includes everything you need to dress basic the homes of the up and coming wealthy, from a town mayor to a madam who's doing pretty well for herself. There's even two chamber pots. (One empty, one...not)

Also includes one pre-made Quickstart mansion with two floors.

This set is authorized for private use and Twitch streaming, fully compatible with all of my other sets and most VTTs, including Astral and Roll20

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